As a superhero vigilante fan, I do sometimes wonder who would win a hand-to-hand fight between CW's Green Arrow and Batman, I wrote 'CW's Green Arrow' because this character is a lot different than his comic counterpart and batman has defeated the comic's green arrow (pretty easily, TBH) but however Arrow's green arrow has shown a pretty good amount of strength, toughness and we have seen him practice a lot of martial arts, not as much as batman though but trust me...Oliver Queen does have a pretty good chance of winning too. in this blog, I'll tell you who has what kind of advantage in a certain skill set and ultimately the audience (which is you, BTW) will decide who won, fair?? (I hope yes!).

The first thing we'll cover is their hand-to-hand combat skills, so, Batman is trained in every Martial Art that exists (yeah!!). The number is around 207, whereas Green Arrow knows Judo, Wing Chun, Taekwondo, and Kali martial arts. Both of them have had different teachers throughout their training and both of them were once trained by the head of the League Of Assassins...Ra's al Ghul (A.K.A. The Demon's head). Now after knowing that batman knows every fucking martial art in this world the answer seems simple...Batman wins! right?, remember that Oliver Queen was trapped on an island for 5 years, to survive that kind of surroundings you need to have the survival instinct and 5 years on that island must have forced him to fight to survive and that instinct must still be there, and no matter how many martial arts batman knows or how great teachers he had...he will never be able to have the same will to survive as Oliver Queen because Oliver has been trained by life to survive and life is the best teacher and an opponent whose first instinct is to survive, a fighter who fights to survive is very hard to defeat. But, batman has more experience as he started training when he was 15 so his body must be more ready than green arrow's...but both men are strong, both men are tough and both men are badass vigilantes.

The second thing to cover is their tools/gadgets, everyone knows that batman uses a lot of tools to have an upper hand over the upper hand he already has, he has a tool for everything but his most famous tool is a Batarang and also the smoke grenades he uses to vanish like ninjas, etc whereas green arrow only uses arrows but his arrows are also of different types... he has tranq arrows, explosive arrows and also Flashbang arrows to vanish like ninjas (they both were trained by Ra's al Ghul, remember?). Now, green arrow's advantage is that he has perfect if he wants to hit the tip your fourth finger's nail, he will hit the tip of your fourth finger's nail but batman may not have perfect aim but he has a lot more gadgets than The Green Arrow. Plus Green Arrow's arrows are limited whereas Batman keeps his explosives separate, flashbangs separate, Batarangs separate which gives him more supply than the green arrow, it's up to you now, it's perfect aim vs more supply of tools...both have their own advantages.

The third aspect is who can take more beating? Oliver Queen has been tortured a lot of times, by knives and blades, by drugs, by forcing his face underwater for more than 2 minutes, etc, but the thing has batman. both men have exceeded their limits when necessary Batman recovered from when Bane broke his spine and was back in the field pretty quick whereas Oliver Queen had a sword stabbed in his stomach and was thrown down the mountain (by Ra's al Ghul BTW), but still survived because of his strong will to live and there has been a lot of situations where batman had to fight with a broken arm or a broken leg, etc. both men are physically tough but Oliver Queen sometimes make decisions based on his emotions and doesn't see the whole picture but it doesn't happen a lot with Bruce, in my opinion, Batman is mentally tougher than green arrow but the competition's still hard.

The fourth thing is the most undervalued but is very important and that's morals. yes, the green arrow has killed before but I am not talking about that even though the green arrow he never crossed a line like threatening other person's family or hitting the person when he has his back turned and can not see him for example, during the Crisis on Earth-X crossover when he was fighting The Dark Arrow and The Dark Arrow's wife dies and he turns around to look at her and mourns at that point Oliver draws his arrow and aims and waits...waits until the opponent turns around and was ready to fight again and then shoots him, and I don't think I'll have to give you an example to prove how strong values Batman if both of them fight it may be brutal, maybe bloody, definitely will be a million-dollar fight but no matter how many arrows fired or bones broken one thing's for lines will be crossed.

Another aspect to be considered is planning...both of them make excellent plans and don't move without a plan but Batman considers almost every possibility and is ready for everything, whereas the green arrow's not always ready for everything and sometimes walks into a trap, batman has a clear advantage in making plans but as the blog was about hand-to-hand combat I didn't think it was necessary.

do tell me in the comments who do you think will win this fight or if you disagree with something I said in this blog.
