Why being a Saiyan would be so much fun.

The traits listed here are only ones that every Saiyan/ half Saiyan has even if he/she decides not to train for fighting. So characteristics like being a Super Saiyan won’t be enlisted because for that you need to be trained and pure of heart. With that said Let’s blog.

For those of you who don’t know; a Saiyan is an alien who looks a lot like a human and has similar characteristics. The only thing that distinguishes a Saiyan and a human in physical appearance is a tail. Yes, Saiyans have a tail. Saiyan’s live on planet Vegeta and are all warriors. Saiyan warriors are divided into 3 classes The Elite Class (Almost gods), The Middle class (Alright fighters), Low class (Amateurs), However inheritance and politics also play a role in defining the class of a Saiyan (Apparently racism’s everywhere). Even the low class of Saiyan warriors is way too powerful for a human to handle or the human military to handle too. Goku and Vegeta are elite class Saiyans but Goku is sometimes called a low class because his father was a low-class Saiyan (just on paper btw, his father Bardock was one of the strongest Saiyans of his time). A Saiyan of any class trains harder every day and gets better every day. A few things (other than being tough and strong as hell) that are very cool about being a Saiyan are:

1. Anomalous healing: The healing rate of a Saiyan is the same as a human in his peak condition, it’s not wolverine type healing. So what’s so unique you ask? it’s not how fast they heal…it’s what happens after they heal. Apparently, Saiyans have unique scar tissues so whenever a Saiyan is beaten down by his opponent his body becomes stronger than enough to handle that kind of beating again. so if a Saiyan warrior survives a near-death beating he’ll get 3 into stronger than he already is. So if a human gets this kind of ability it’ll be so much fun. Like if someone tries to bully you and punches you in the face and knocks you. The next day you’ll be more than “Tough- Enough” To take the bully’s punch; you may become strong enough that the bully breaks his/her hand while punching you!! This type of healing will do wonders for you if you exercise. Let’s say that you join a gym today and go to do bench presses. Today you may bench 20-30 kgs but benching that will make micro damages in your muscles and when your body heals those damages they’ll be healed like a Saiyan, which means the next time you go to do a bench press you’ll be easily able to add 5-10kgs more to the bar!

2. Great genes: As you are Saiyan which means your father/mother was Saiyan(s) too. This directly means that you have great genes and your body and organs are in good shape. This will be so helpful for humans especially in this corona situation because if you have strong genes, you have strong immunity and if you have strong immunity you can go kiss these kinds of viruses and they won’t be able to do anything…(If you are a mo-fo Saiyan…WHICH YO ASS IS NOT). Having great genes also gives you a great chance of being good looking.

3. The Great Saiyan temper: Another gift that these warriors have is their Temper. You don’t want to mess with a saiyan…and you most definitely don’t want to mess with an inflamed Saiyan. When a Saiyan is in a rage he/she subconsciously exceeds his/her limits. The energy level rises even beyond their current potential and they strike a lot harder than they have ever before. When Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Trunks first became Super Saiyan they all were furious and frustrated. Goku was angry because Frieza killed his friend, Vegeta was frustrated because he was not exceeding Goku’s strength, Gohan was angry because he was not able to help his friends and Trunks was angry because Androids#18 and #19 killed Gohan. (A Super-Saiyan is a Saiyan whose energy level rises so much that his speed, instincts and power increases.Now he/she can now fly almost at the speed of light and their power multiply’s by 10. When someone turns Super-Saiyan their hair and eyebrows turn Golden with their aura; they are also surrounded by a lot of static electricity) If Saiyan learns how to manipulate their anger he/she becomes invincible.

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