Daredevil might not be the most famous superhero vigilante but he is one.. and a good one. Those who have watched The Daredevil T.V. show( Netflix show actually) know what I am talking about. Daredevil's origin story's something like that...One fine day an eleven-year-old boy (Around eleven I guess) was about to cross the road and he saw a truck coming so he stopped but the man standing beside him didn't see it and was about to get hit by the truck. The boy tried to save the man and he succeeded but injured himself in process. A radioactive liquid fell on his eyes and made him blind for life. His father Jack Murdock who was a boxer took good care of him but after some time his father was murdered for refusing to throw a fight and because Matt had no next of kin he was shifted to a church orphanage, he learned boxing and other martial arts despite his disability and because he wasn't able to use his eyes' senses he somehow developed heightened his other senses like he can tell where a person is by hearing his heartbeat, he can know what someone ate in the morning because he can smell stuff that normal people just can't, kind of cool and gross at the same time. He became a lawyer so that he can serve justice to criminals it was his day job at least...at night he was someone else, he was...something else (yeah, I know I copied it from arrow but it still makes sense...no?). At night he wears his other suit, the red one and like good vigilantes he protects his city. He is A.K.A. The Devil of Hell's Kitchen and The Man Without Fear.

Like Batman, he has a strong moral code and never kills people mainly because he's catholic. He usually works solo, I mean some people know who he is and supports him but he usually never has back up and in the Daredevil Netflix series' season 1 episode 2, there is this cool hallway fight scene which I recommend you should watch (I'll give the link to clip at the end of this blog). The crazy thing is that just before he fought them douches in the hallway he was almost dead and just got stitched up...WHAT?? that's why he's called The Man Without Fear (you'll know what I am talking about when you see the clip).
Daredevil is one of the most natural fighters in marvel comics and knows a nice amount of martial arts and is always aware of his surroundings which helps allows use almost anything as a weapon. He also knows to parkour and is tough... I mean TOUGH, both mentally and physically. He has been a part of some pretty good teams like The New Avengers, The Defenders, etc. In comics, he is good friends with Spiderman and I would really like to see that in the MCU and the rumors are that he'll be debuting in the MCU via Spiderman: Homecoming's third part. Okay, back to the topic now, but still a fun fact: Daredevil and Spiderman have a common enemy, Kingpin otherwise known as Wilson Fisk who also happens to be Daredevil's arch-enemy.
Another reason why I think Daredevil has earned the title of The Man Without Fear is that he is the most vulnerable vigilantes out there. Not just in Marvel comics but in the whole superhero world. Compare him to anyone...Batman has much more training and experience than him, The Punisher has an advantage because he can kill people, The Green Arrow was trapped on an island so he has a survival instinct in him which gives him a great advantage and so on. and even though Daredevil has heightened senses which no doubt is a great advantage...he's still vulnerable in the field because of lack of resources and backup. But even though he is completely vulnerable out in the field and gets stitched up pretty much every night, he doesn't stop...he goes out every night to fight men who are way above his league and beside all of that HE WINS because way before he started knocking out bad guys on the street, he knocked down his fear, he won from his fear of dying, fear of pain and fear of standing up against what's wrong alone...So, in my opinion, he does live up to his title, he's The Man Without Fear. And ironically fear is what drives him out every night...yeah!..it's the fear of failing his city and the people who live in it.
Superheroes can be so inspiring sometimes...can't they?

But ever wondered why matt chose the name Daredevil? (in comics). When Matt was younger, kids at school would tease him for his non-confrontational nature and love for learning by calling him "Daredevil".
I didn't talk a lot about Matt's heightened senses because everyone who talks about Daredevil, talks a lot about his senses. So, for a change, I thought let's don't talk about it much.
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