In this blog, no celestial entities will be enlisted. Because if I do that all you'll see in here are celestial entities. With that said Let's blog.

9. Deathstroke: Slade Wilson A.K.A. Deathstroke is an assassin, has healing ability, is an experiment gone bad, uses swords, and fights hard. Does it sound like someone else? Deadpool maybe? you must because Deadpool was inspired by the character of Deathstroke and to tease DC marvel named the character Wade Wilson. Deathstroke made a fantastic villain in Arrow's season 2 and is one of the best Arrowverse villains. Deathstroke is the arch-enemy of Teen-Titans (mainly Dick Grayson). The reason why he's on the list is mainly because of the Arrowverse's Deathstroke. The way he makes an army of people like himself and almost destroys a city just to punish Oliver Queen shows how brutal he can be. Even though he is an assassin and has a wave of uncontrollable anger he still has a code. Deathstroke never kills someone who can't defend himself/herself. For example, If someone hires him to kill a boy...he'll pretend that he killed the boy and after receiving the payment he will kill the hirer instead.

8. Bane: Bane, born in darkness raised by pain. Bane is a very strong and equally intelligent villain. The point that makes bane's strength and intelligence so special is that he gained both of those things in a jail cell, yes, a 4 by 6 cell. According to comics, he gained his knowledge by reading a lot of books and strength by doing a lot of exercise inside his cell. Bane also wears a mask which pumps some anesthetics inside his body. He needs to do so because during his early life he suffered a traumatic injury which caused him to pain every second. The anesthetic pumped inside the body through the mask numbs the pain and helps him function normally (his normal). Bane is also known as the villain who broke the Bat. This is because he ones severely broke batman's spine and paralyzed him for months. He's also one of the very few villains who has a brain strong enough to defeat Ra's al Ghul in the game of Chess! As far as I know, Batman is the only one except for bane who has defeated Ra's in the game of chess. The "achievements" of Bane that earned him 8th spot in the list include things like Taking over Gotham, Killing the Russian mafia because he lost a game of chess (the dude's obsessed with chess), committing poison genocide and a lot more.

7. Ra's al Ghul: Ra's al Ghul, Head of the demon, the leader of The League of Assassins. Ra's is over 400 years old, almost immortal, an expert fighter, can use any kind of weapon, and fights to make the world a better place. The only problem is that his ways are a little more extreme than lethal. For example: If there's a lot of crime in a city and the city's economy's down. For Ra's solution's simple...destroy the city, kill billions of people so the city can later be renewed. pretty simple, no? he has tried that too. With Gotham and with Star City (Arrow season 3). Ra's is also a genius and if it helps he trained Bruce Wayne. Yes, that's right...he's the master of Batman. He's so brutal that he almost killed a city with a deadly virus if it wasn't for team arrow he might even have succeeded.

6. Magneto: Max Eisenhardt A.K.A. Magneto is a mutant who can control and generate magnetic fields. Magneto regards mutants as evolutionary superior to humans and rejects the possibility of peaceful human-mutant coexistence; he initially aimed to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he refers to as homo-superiors, to replace humans as the dominant species. Magneto was born during the time of world war II and is a holocaust survivor. The thing that makes magneto so dangerous is his powers. The power to create magnetic fields enables him to control any metal he can find near him. Even thor's hammer Mjolnir because it's made of a star's core and star's core does include metals. He can use almost anything around him as a weapon and daggers and bullets will be useless in front of him. And the cherry on the cake is that he wears a helmet which keeps him out of Professor X's telepathic range. The understatement let magneto be free and take X-Men out of the equation, there will be one ruler of the whole planet Magneto.

5. Prometheus: Prometheus serves as the enemy of Batman, The Green Arrow, and Midnighter. To be honest I don't care about comics' Prometheus. It's the one in Arrow that made this list. Prometheus is an expert martial artist, can handle any kind of weapon and has only one and one break Oliver Queen down. He doesn't want to kill him, in fact in the show he kills anyone who tries to kill Oliver Queen. That's what makes him so dangerous and so edgy. By the end of season 5, he breaks Oliver down mentally and psychologically and almost kills everyone he ever cared for. He is as ruthless and as brutal as one can be. Despite his ruthlessness, he is so determined and focused that it's hard to shake him down and if you even try to come in his way you're a dead man. He's the only villain who psychologically forced Oliver Queen to quit being The Green Arrow.

4. Reverse Flash: Eobard Thawne A.K.A. Professor Zoom A.K.A. Reverse-Flash is a time-traveling evil speedster who can run at the speed of light just guessed it! The Flash. He was or is going to be born in the year 2151. Eobard Thawne was a big fan of The Flash and when The Flash sent his suit to his century in a time capsule, he examined the suit and found the sources of the flash's powers. So, to become a speedster, Eobard repeated the accident that gave the flash his powers on himself. After he got his speed he decided to return back in time to meet his mentor The Flash. But, in the time period he returned...he came to know through a newspaper that he was never supposed to be like the flash and was named to be his worst enemy. After knowing that he decided to take revenge from the flash and somehow discovered his secret identity. After knowing that he traveled back in time and killed Iris (Barry Allen A.K.A. The Flash's wife to be) on her wedding day!! To hurt the flash as a kid and give him a great trauma, he killed his mother in front of 11-year-old Barry! (I am telling you this dude is pure evil) He will kill anyone he wants because he's from the future and in the future, all of them are already dead. If you watch CW's The Flash you know what I am talking about plus Tom Cavanagh's acting makes him much more interesting. P.S. Reverse Flash is my personal favorite.

3. Loki: Who doesn't know Loki?? The Prince of Asgard (as he says), The god of mischief, Thor's younger brother, and everyone's favorite. In the MCU Loki's a villain turned hero and one of the most appreciated villains. If you still don't agree that he deserves the third spot then take this: He invaded New York and made everyone kneel, Unleashed hulk on the Avengers, Turned Hawkeye against The Avengers, Almost destroyed a city, Planned an alien attack, Killed Agent Coulsen, etc, In one day...yeah! And not to forget he once turned Thor into a frog and Switched Spider-man and Wolverine's bodies. This dude is as cool as he is evil. Plus Tom Hiddleston did a great job portraying the character.

2. Vegeta: Vegeta is one of the very few left Saiyans and not to say is a great warrior...sorry wrong blog!!

2. Thanos: Yes, Thanos gets the 2nd spot in this list 'cause in my opinion, there's someone better. Thanos was born on Jupiter's moon Titan. To put it in simple words he is an activist who takes actions against Over-population in Very Very Violent ways. In the comics, he collects the infinity stones to impress Lady Death but in the MCU he collects them one by one to Kill half of the population of this universe. No, he doesn't want to create a duplicate planet so half of the population can shift there. He wants to kill 'em all. He's strong enough to defeat the hulk in a one on one brawl (just once though) and forced Thor to be in his full power. And guess what he did after he completed his mission...HE WENT FARMING...that's right. He killed half the universe and now he's farming!! (and I called Batman edgy). And if that wasn't enough he made Iron man kill himself.

1. Joker: Where Thanos has a reason to do the stuff he does and it's not all that bad of a reason too. Just his ways are a little over wrong. Joker has no reason to do what he does. He does it for the fun of it, he doesn't want money, he doesn't want anything. He kills, he robs, he cheats, he burns a whole building down just for fun. In the movie The Dark Knight, he loots a bank and burns the money afterward. He doesn't care about money he cares about the thrill or as Alfred said "Some people just want to watch the world burn". And as he doesn't have a plan and does almost everything spontaneously he's unpredictable, dangerous and no doubt fucked up. He paralyzed Barbara Gorden in cold blood and Killed Jason Todd ruthlessly just to make batman suffer. No doubt both Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix's performances gave the character justice and flourished the character. The great thing is that both actors present a different version of The Joker. Ledger's version is very careless and just likes to burn everything whereas phoenix's joker has some sort of motto to his actions. My personal favorite is Ledger's Joker. And the thing that makes him much more dangerous is that he has an IQ of 350! even higher than batman's and he's one of the smartest villains in DC comics and thus The most dangerous. P.S. he has outsmarted Batman on SEVERAL occasions.
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