Train like Batman.

Boys and Girls, today...we're gonna become, Batman. We're gonna train like The Caped Crusader or at least you'll get an idea for Training. Now, Let's blog. 

1. Build Stability and Balance: When you have to jump rooftops wearing an 'Armor' half your body weight, you have to be stable enough to keep your body straight and balanced so you don't fall while parkouring. Plus being stable and balanced plays an important role in keeping you athletic and helps you lift more and punch harder and what not? but the question is how to be more stable and balanced? The answer's simple, train your core, and do bodyweight exercises. When you do a bodyweight exercise say push-ups you are not only pushing your body away from the ground but also preventing your body from falling on either side. What's helping you maintain that perfect body posture throughout your rep? your abs of course and hence, making you stable. It doesn't matter if you do 35 pushups or 5 pushups, The only thing you need to keep in your mind while doing any exercise and especially bodyweight exercises is to have perfect form. 25 pushups with perfect form will make you a lot stronger, functional, and stable than 50 pushups with lousy form.

To increase your balance you can try single leg calve raised and if you're not able to do that start with normal calve raises and if you think it's easy for then take some weights in your hands while doing it.
P.S. You can do a lot more bodyweight exercises than just pushups I used pushups as an example and you can do a lot of other things too like carrying exercises, pull-ups, squats, etc. Carrying exercises are very good for testing and building stability. All you have to do is take a heavyweight and hold it in either hand (or both at the same time) and start walking. To test yourself just make sure that the weight you're carrying is half your weight on earth. (Dad jokes.) If you can carry it to a decent distance you are stable enough.

2. Improve your reaction time, sharpen your reflexes and improve your hand-eye coordination: Batman is out every night fighting bad guys (which are WAY below his pay grade tbh). But still, to fight every night not knowing what can show need to train your reaction time. The best way to do so is to of course learn a Combat sport, anything Boxing, Jo Jitsu, Wing Chun, etc. But as most of you may not be interested in learning a martial art, I have got something for you too and it's to get a tennis ball. Yes, apparently a tennis ball can do wonders in terms of reaction time. I'll let my buddy Shane do the rest of the explaining.  

Having good hand-eye coordination and nice reflexes also help in daily life and help tremendously if you play any sport. Assume for a minute that you're riding a bike and the idiot in the car in front of you suddenly stops his car, Now if you're 'Batman' and you have good reaction time you will be able to use brakes on time and prevent any injury and then of course yell at that car driver. But if you have poor reflexes? you may even accelerate by mistake instead of using breaks and that will do more damage than good. Now you see what I am talking about?

3. Get Strong Muscles (Lift heavy): I never say someone to lift heavy if he doesn't want to. I like more functional workouts but I still have average strength in my muscles. I can curl 20kg but even if you can curl 15 kg and don't really want to lift heavier, it's the end functionality is what matters the most. But when it comes to Batman...I'll have to say you need to lift heavier than you already do (unless you already bench 300 pounds) because Batman has incredible strength and endurance in his muscles and lifting heavy plays a major role in strengthening your muscles (In the comics, Batman is said to bench 400kgs!!.) Now don't go to the gym and load as many plates as you can on the squat rack...because if you don't have the foundation of the strength and you even lift heavy it'll not be in the proper form and thus useless. A better and ONLY way to really build the strength to lift heavier is progressive overload. To put it in simple terms, progressive overload is when you take a weight that you can handle...let's say 10kgs you do bicep curls with that weight for around a month on your bicep days. After a month you'll find that curling 10 kgs is now a lot easier for you than you started and now you can increase the weight to around 12kgs and repeat the same. There's a lot more to the concept of progressive overload, Perhaps, Jeff Cavelier from can explain to you better.

And those of you who say that lifting heavy is not necessary to become batman look at the actor who played the character.

(You can also involve cardio in your routine to built endurance and stamina because batman has to do a lot of jumping and running so he needs pretty good stamina and endurance)
Becoming Batman: Eating and Training to be the Dark Knight - DC ...

5. Get smarter (Expand your knowledge base): Batman is not just known as The Dark Knight or Caped Crusader but is also known as World's Best Detective. Now, I am not going to tell everyone to become a detective but instead, get smart ('cause detectives are smart). The best way to get smarter is to expand your knowledge base. Either in breadth or in depth. To get more information you need to watch, read more content, and what better website to gather knowledge than youtube. You can log into youtube and search-learn about anything that you're interested in whether it is martial arts, cosmos, weight lifting, business stuff, just keep learning as much as you can. My personal recommendation is that everyone should subscribe to Gary Vee's youtube channel. That youtube channel will really teach you a lot about today's new technological world and will broaden your mind. Another way of gathering content is by listening to podcasts or audiobooks. I would say books can give you content with a completely different vibe than any other form. If you want to listen to a book or read it, is all up to you. A little top-up tip is to follow a tv series or comic or movie series you like and go full-on nerd about it. You making or listening to theories on a tv show, learning all of the things about 'Yoda' and perhaps something as nerdy as 'Train like Batman' in this way you're gathering information, you're enjoying and in most cases you're fantasizing too. That's what happens when you so algebra or linear equations. those two concepts are utterly useless but practicing those things and learning info about it, no matter how useless it is...makes Mathematicians smarter. So, we're using the same technique just a little bit more smartly. (And remember, this tip is a top-up. which means it'll only be worth doing if you do some of the above-written things too).
             Telltale Games

6. Focus on your nutrition and recovery: Batman has to jump, kick, punch, parkour, and move like stealthy Bat every night. To do that you need to keep an eye on what you eat. In comics, batman is said to eat around 4000 calories a day! (I may be wrong) but you don't have to eat that many calories. How many calories someone has to eat in a day to maintain good health depends on his/her gender, level of activity, height, and a lot of other things. perhaps you can google "Calorie calculator" and fill in the required blanks and it'll tell you how many calories you shall eat in a day. No matter what you weight, height, level of activity is, one thing is for need to up the amount of protein and carbs you take and decrease the number of fats but however, make sure that 20% of your calories come from fat (just 20) as fat is an essential part of our nutrition and our body needs at least a little bit of it. And for god's sake don't make excuses like 'I am vegan how will I get protein' or 'i am 15, it's too young to do this all this' because I am a vegan and I started doing all this at 15 and I have done well till now, and it's better to start young because your body is booming with growth hormones and you see a lot of gains in size and strength. Now, you work out every day, you exercise, you are lifting heavier, you eat good, everything must be alright for your body, right? no, you're still missing the most important part of this blog and that is recovery. You need to be able to recover from the previous day's workout to hit those muscles again and actually see some gains. How to do it? I say either make sure that you eat a lot of protein in your diet or buy a good supplement. protein, helps your muscles recover quicker and makes sure that they grow bigger and stronger. A 6-8 hour sleep is very-very essential for your body and mind to recover. so make sure that you get enough sleep no matter how 'hectic' your schedule is. taking vitamin c also boosts your immunity and helps In recovery and as it's an Anti-oxidant it helps you get glowing skin and clears any toxins from your body too (What?! Batman's handsome too). [THE VIDEO IS FOR THE ONES WHO DON'T WANNA GO THROUGH THIS CALORIE BULL SHIT!!]

7. Exercise Your Jaw And Neck: As batman gets into (more than) a fight every night, and often has to exchange really hard punches he needs to have a strong neck and jaw so that they can absorb the force coming from the punch and batman can throw some punches of his own too. Plus, having strong jaw muscles can make you look better and will make your jawline look sharper, and strong neck muscles really help you correct your posture.

peace out.
